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What is Osteopathy and What does an Osteopath do?

Fatima Osteopath
Clinic of the Year 2021 Spain
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Osteopathy is a therapy born in the United States, founded by Andrew Taylor Still, a 19th century surgeon.

It is based on specific knowledge of anatomy and physiology of the human body, studying how the different tissues intervene in the production of the disease and applying techniques to normalize the altered functions, reducing and making the symptoms disappear.

The principle of osteopathy is that the well-being of a person is based on the way in which different tissues and internal structures work with each other.

Sometimes the cause of a problem may be in a different area from the one of the pain. For example, a pain in the forearm may be related to the neck, or a tennis elbow, it may be an elbow problem, a cervical problem, or a liver dysfunction. This shows us the relationship that all the constituents of the body have with each other.

Osteopathy Fatima

With Structural Osteopathy we treat the musculoskeletal system, returning the movement and the correct position of the spine and other joints.

With Visceral Osteopathy we are going to act on the tissues that participate in the functions of the viscera such as muscles, the different sliding planes between organs, blood vessels and nerves. Treating with this heavy digestions, gas, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel, gastritis and urogynecological problems.

With Cranial Osteopathy and craniosacral therapy we facilitate the micromobility of the skull, through the meningeal membranes and the cerebrospinal fluid. We will thus improve migraines, dizziness, the vegetative nervous system, digestive, respiratory and vascular disorders among others.

So at Madrid Health, with our global vision of the body, we are not going to deal only with your symptoms but with the main cause that causes them. We will see if your visceral dysfunction is causing your back pain or if your hearing or visual or jaw problem can create contractures in any part of your body through muscle chains.

Don't settle for relieving the pain, attack it at it's source!

Bruxism and Osteopathy

The daily rhythm of life and emotional stress generate an imbalance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, so that the body constantly lives in a state of tension or "fighting" and is not able to return to calm, not even during the dream. Bruxism or grinding is an involuntary activity that the body performs to express that nervous hyperactivity.

Bruxism will cause:

  • Dental wear
  • Dental fractures
  • Dental hypersensitivity
  • Pain in the jaw, face and temples
  • Dysfunctions in the TMJ, such as noise and pain when chewing, wear of the joint and deviation of the jaw
  • Tension headache
  • Earache or tinnitus (ringing)
  • Neck pain
  • Anxiety and stress
Osteopathy Bruxism

But the mandibular tension will affect other parts of the body such as the cervical spine, since they share anatomical structures, and can cause blockages of the first vertebrae (CO-C1-C2). From these vertebrae, the nerve branches that give information to the muscles of the head and face come out, thus explaining orofacial pain and headaches. In addition, these tensions in the jaw can affect the inner ear, causing ringing, earache and even vertigo, dizziness and instability.

At Madrid Health, our osteopaths will rebalance the autonomic nervous system with craniosacral techniques, thus reducing anxiety. We will treat all vertebral dysfunctions at both cervical and thoracic level with our adjustments and manipulations, modulating the spinal nerves that give information to the muscles. It is also essential that all cranial sutures remain elastic, so with Cranial Osteopathy we will ensure that there is a good movement between all the bones of the skull.

And last but not least, we will treat the soft tissues of the TMJ and its mobility with our experts in mandibular physiotherapy and your dentist will make you an unloading splint to prevent tooth wear.

Thanks to our global approach and our interdisciplinary team, we will put an end to all these discomforts and you will recover the physical condition you deserve.

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Physiotherapy and Osteopathy in Ankle Sprains

It is well known that after a sprained ankle is essential to perform rehabilitation with a qualified physiotherapist in a first phase, to reduce edema and the rearrangement of the collagen fibers of the tendon and in a second phase to strengthen the peripheral muscles of the ankle and perform proprioception work, so that the dreaded sprain does not occur again.

But, did you know that after a sprain there are several mobility restrictions in the foot and leg, which if not treated with Osteopathy or Chiropractic will not go away?

It is vitally important to treat all the restrictions caused in the sprained ankle, because otherwise after a while problems will appear at a distance, such as back pain, as a result of the adaptations that have had to be made to compensate for the lack of movement of the foot.

In Madrid Health we are going to reduce all those restrictions of mobility such as the tibia in anteriority with respect to the talus, we will mobilize the calcaneus articularly, we will decoapt the tibio-tarsal, we will manipulate the fibula and we will adjust a possible inferiority of the scaphoid-cuboid.

Ankle Sprain

As we have already mentioned previously, physiotherapy in ankle sprains begins with a circulatory massage for recent or residual edema, then our physiotherapists will perform a cyriax type massage on the injured ligament to rearrange the collagen fibers, thus avoiding the formation of adhesions between the fibrils and increasing the arrival of blood to the area by removing the chemicals that cause us pain.

In this first phase we will use our latest technology in shock waves to produce collagen, which will help us to repair the ligament, forming new blood vessels and will improve inflammation. In addition, if our physiotherapists deem it necessary, a functional bandage will be applied for the patient to walk.

Before starting the second phase, our Osteopaths and Chiropractors will reduce all the mobility restrictions we have mentioned. We will then move on to strengthening the peripheral musculature of the ankle, working the muscles that perform eversion, which are the tibialis anterior, the peroneal muscles and the extensor muscles of the toes.

Finally, we will focus on proprioception, which is the sense that informs the body the position in which our muscles and joints are in every moment, allowing automatic reactions and responses.

In Madrid Helath we have physiotherapists, osteopaths and chiropractors specialized in sports physiotherapy.

Don't miss our unique approach!

Osteopathy and Chiropractic in Low Back Pain

Low back pain, colloquially known as lumbago, is pain in the lower back (lumbar area) caused by alterations in the vertebrae, vertebral discs, muscles and ligaments.

It is estimated that approximately 85% of the population will suffer from it at some time in their lives, being an acute low back pain if it lasts less than 6 weeks and chronic if it lasts more than 6 weeks.

The main triggers for low back pain are incorrect posture, high intensity physical activities and a sedentary lifestyle.

Low back pain can be divided into inflammatory low back pain and mechanical low back pain.

Inflammatory low back pain is characterized by waking the patient at night, being more intense first thing in the morning and decreasing in intensity throughout the day. However, if we suffer from mechanical low back pain, the pain will increase as the day goes by and will improve with rest.

Low back pain is also divided into organic low back pain and functional low back pain. Functional low back pain is mainly treated by our osteopaths looking for the blockage that causes the pain.

Within the functional low back pain we will differentiate:

Low back pain due to excessive muscular tension

They are caused by overexertion or a bad gesture, which will cause the musculature to limit movement as a defense thanks to local inflammation.

In these cases, in Madrid Health our physiotherapists will help us to combat this inflammation using anti-inflammatory therapies such as Shock Waves and manual therapy to reduce muscle tension.

Low Back Pain Muscle Tension

Low Back Pain Visceral Origin

Low back pain due to visceral origin

A visceral inflammation or disjunction in the stomach can produce low back pain, which will be accompanied by reflux and pain after eating.

A period of gas and heavy digestion can provoke low back pain due to inflammation and disjunctions in the intestine.

Finally, an inflammation of the renal system can also cause lumbago.

Low back pain due to compensations

A pathology or injury to the feet, ankles, knees or hips can also be the cause of low back pain, so our Osteopaths, after having carried out an exhaustive assessment and anamnesis, thanks to their holistic approach, will be able to discern the cause in order to treat it.

If it is a vertebral or sacro-lumbar "blockage", our Osteopaths and Chiropractors will mobilize the vertebra to position it and recover the normal range of motion, giving space to the nerve root and normalizing muscle tone.

In Madrid Health we are specialized in the spine and low back pain, do not hesitate, we will help you.

Low Back Pain Compensations