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My shoulder hurts, What type of injury could it be?

March 7th 2022

Shoulder pain is one of the most common injuries seen in consultations and often the cause is unknown and even what structures may be affected. Because of this, if you suffer from shoulder pain and you have not suffered a fall, trauma or accident, and you want to know the extent of the injury or what may be injured, it is necessary to see a professional to carry out tests and imaging tests (ultrasound, x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging).

Orthopaedic tests are helpful in assessing joints and their range of motion, muscles and their strength or weakness, the laxity of ligaments and the degree of tension that tendons can withstand. However, if you want to be precise and know if there is any injury to the tissues, imaging tests are the best option, as they allow all structures to be analysed in detail.

The shoulder is the most mobile part of the body, which means that it can be injured more easily. In addition, many structures converge in this area in a very small space, making it very difficult to know what is injured or the cause of the problem. The following are some of the most common shoulder pathologies, divided according to the type of structure affected:

  • Joints: glenohumeral dislocation, acromio-clavicular dislocation, osteoarthritis, scapular instability, humeral head fracture, clavicle fracture, subacromial impingement syndrome, bursitis.
  • Nerves: brachial plexus radiculopathy, brachial plexus neuropathy, scalene gorge syndrome.
  • Tendons: rotator cuff tendinopathy and rupture, tendinopathy of the long head of the biceps, pectoralis tendinopathy, synovitis, calcifications.
  • Muscles: trigger points, muscle tears or ruptures, muscle weakness.
  • Ligaments: dislocation or fracture, joint instability, Geiser’s sign.

Depending on which tissue is affected, a different treatment plan will be necessary, which is why it is so important to make an accurate diagnosis to assess and discover the cause of the problem.