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Low Back Pain

November 29th 2021

The definition of this type of affectation is very broad as the number of structures that make up the lumbar area is quite high. Low back pain can be defined as a process of pain or discomfort in the lumbar region or lower back, which affects the performance of daily activities, the postures that are carried out and even the practice of sports.

Its cause is sometimes difficult to find, as the origin may be due to muscular problems, lack of movement in the spinal column, herniated discs, nerve entrapment, etc. For this reason, a rigorous and complete evaluation is necessary, analysing the vertebral movements, the behaviour of the nerves and the state of the muscles, both in the lumbar area and in the hips, buttocks, abdominal and pelvic region.

Depending on the tissues affected, the treatment of low back pain may vary. However, the goals focus on increasing the joint range of the spine in general, the pelvis and the calderas, strengthening weak musculature, teaching correct ergonomic habits and improving functionality in daily life.

Each person is unique, so it is necessary to specifically evaluate each case and make a treatment plan that addresses each and every one of the goals to be achieved. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, certain techniques may be used depending on the situation of each patient; some of the techniques that help enormously are:

  • Spinal adjustments. They help to improve the range of movement in the joints.
  • Manual therapy and osteopathic techniques. Manual techniques focused on the improvement of the musculoskeletal system and of the organism in general.
  • Massage therapy. Focused on the elimination of trigger points and muscle tension.
  • Shock waves. Fundamental to eliminate calcium deposits.
  • Neuromodulation. In charge of improving the functionality of the nerves.
  • Dry needling. Star technique when it comes to eliminating trigger points.
  • Therapeutic exercise. Vital if you want to improve flexibility, elasticity, endurance, strength and power.