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Liver Dysfunction and Back and Shoulder Pain

November 15th 2021

The liver has a fundamental role in our organism since it is in charge of extracting nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, as well as storing energy in the form of sugar and eliminating toxic substances.

The liver, like the other organs, before suffering a disease, goes through a phase of dysfunction in which it stops working properly.

The most frequent pain that produces a liver dysfunction is in the right scapular area, where it can radiate upwards causing a lot of pain in the right trapezius, causing cervicalgia and torticollis. If the hepatic dysfunction lasts in time, it will lead to vertebral blockages at the cervical level.

Liver dysfunction can also cause intense headaches aggravated by stress and the ingestion of certain foods such as coffee, chocolate, dairy products, oranges, tangerines, fried foods, sausages, red meat, alcohol and analgesic medication.

A bad functioning of the liver will cause problems in the right shoulder. The tensions of the liver (being in the right abdominal cavity), will cause a shortening of the right pectoral, which brings the head of the humerus forward and down, pulling back the supraspinatus muscle (muscle located in the posterior superior region of the shoulder).

A bad diet, based on the foods we have mentioned above, will form waste in the form of crystals, which the body will want to eliminate and for this it will send them to the joints that are close, the most affected being the shoulder.

In addition, in the anamnesis, the patient will reveal that the patient is very tired at the end of the day, and wakes up in the second half of the night; symptoms that will lead us to examine whether these pains in the back or shoulder are the result of liver congestion.

In Madrid Health, our osteopaths will be in charge of assessing if this shoulder or back pain is being caused by a liver dysfunction and then they will treat the vertebral blockages, working on the liver dysfunction and decreasing the liver congestion.