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Osteopathy in Pubalgia

November 8th 2021

Pubalgia is a painful condition that is generated in the pelvic region and is related to an inflammation in the insertion of the abdominal muscles and the adductor muscles.

Soccer players and runners are more likely to suffer from it, although all types of athletes can also suffer from it.

Weakness of the oblique abdominal muscles as well as poorly organized training due to its high intensity are the main causes of the appearance of pubalgia, but they are not the only ones, as a shortening of the adductor muscles, trauma, training on uneven terrain, muscle overload and altered posture may also be causing this dreaded pubalgia.

This inflammation of the pubis will result in decreased strength and pain in the adductor muscles, pain in the abdominals and knee, and an alteration of body statics.

In Madrid Health, our osteopaths will verify if there is an anatomical short leg and if it is necessary to use orthotics, we will send you some specific stretches to rebalance the muscular forces, and we will check if you have lumbar hyperlordosis and if it is the case, we will help you so that it does not cause you problems.

Our main objective is to recover the patient’s global functionality by correcting pelvic mobility dysfunctions and muscular imbalances in the pelvis and lumbar spine.

Our experts in sports physiotherapy will perform an antalgic physiotherapy along with stretching and specific muscle strengthening.

All together we will get you back to your sporting activity as soon as possible and with the best guarantees.