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With Osteopathy, one less headache!

August 2nd 2021

Again with a headache? Are you tired of going with ibuprofen in your hand to bear it? Don’t worry I’m going to help you with the Cranial Osteopathy to say goodbye to these headaches and migraines.

First, we must know what type of headache you are suffering, which could be a tension headache or a migraine.

To start with, in this post we will discuss on the mentioned tension headache.

Tension headache usually presents as a sensation of bilateral pressure of bearable intensity, it does not worsen with physical activity, without nausea and it can sometimes presents Phonophobia (noise discomfort) and Photophobia (discomfort with light).

Many times we will find its origin by exploring its gravity line while standing, seeing a forward position of the head, due to the excessive consumption of mobile phones, tablets and computers.

To maintain a horizontal gaze, at the suboocipital level it will have to be adapted, producing an extension of the occiput-atlas-axis area. When there is a dysfunction at this level due to the presence of the cervical trigeminal nucleus, we will have a neurological alteration in the structures that innervate, such as the cranial dura mater, being the cause of cranial headaches.

1) Compensation should be reviewed and treated throughout the spine.

2) Thrust at the subocipital level in rotation to release the mechanical problem and we also perform an important neurological stimulus at that level because we have the cervical trigeminal nucleus there.

After having performed the neurophysiological normalization, we are going to perform:

3) Soft techniques typical of cranial osteopathy.

Checking if the masseter and temporal muscles are painful.

Emphasizing the sternocleidomastoid muscles that cause referred pain in the forehead, above the eye and at the level of the auditory canal, and the upper trapezius, both innervated by the spinal nerve which is the XI cranial nerve. We are also going to have to work the suboccipital muscles (the junction of the head and neck from behind), which is usually super contracted in the forward head position.

Finally, we are going to balance the craniosacral rhythm to normalize the membrane system and stimulate the neurovegetative part from the point of view of the biomechanics of cerebrospinal fluids, arterial fluid and venous fluid.

At Madrid Health, thanks to the multidisciplinary team that we are, we will treat your problem globally.

Don’t wait any longer and end those headaches now!

Written by Fatima Jorquera Martínez, Osteopath.